M&IT Magazine, April 6, 2021, The Government has announced details of the pilot events to be held in Liverpool that will form part of a science-led research programme to reopen the business and cultural event sectors.

The Events Research Programme (ERP) will be used to provide key scientific data into how events for a range of audiences could be permitted to safely reopen as part of Step 4 of the roadmap out of lockdown, commencing no earlier than June 21. The review will be crucial to how venues could operate this summer.
The Liverpool pilots – which include a comedy gig, an outdoor cinema and a club night as well as a business event – will gather evidence associated with different settings and approaches to managing and mitigating transmission risk.
The pilots will explore how different approaches to social distancing, ventilation and test-on-entry protocols could ease opening and maximise participation, including the use of lateral flow tests – but not so-called ‘vaccine passports’.
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